Saturday, August 1, 2009

The walks in SJCE!

Things had seemed to be falling apart around me, and then I met his friendship. I had met him long back, but not yet. I had yet to see a lot more. That day, in loneliness and despair, I had poured out my feelings to him. He had listened for hours, mostly silently, offering insight at times. His presence had been extremely comforting. We took a long walk in our college campus, while I went Blah! Blah! The tragedy that had struck, had brought us together that day. I had been looking for comfort. Had found a lot more.

All of you may know this feeling, of having that one best friend. You may have found that one person. No matter how many friends you have, there is always that one person, for whom you have the most respect. That day, I had found my one best friend. The search had ended. I knew, that however stupid I behaved, however dumb I acted, he would always bear me with patience and he did.

He knew my mood swings, and dealt with them. He listened to me for hours together when I had stories to tell. He laughed with me, at me, sometimes. He held my hand when I needed, giving it a gentle squeeze, telling me, everything was going to be alright. I remember the times when I used to take him shopping, and drag him along to the cosmetic section in a supermarket. He had so much patience then, when I shopped for a long long time, searching for that one little item, which I wouldn't know whether I wanted or not.

The three years spent with him in SJCE, have been amazing. The long walks taken in the campus, discussing books, movies, poetry, people, girlfriends, boyfriends. Sometimes laughing, sometimes serious, thoughtful, pondering over the philosophy of life. The times spent at Yampa, downs, cubs. The waits near temple. The best of the times in SJCE. The numerous pet names that you gave me, though I have always called you Pavan. I will miss all that, Pavan. Miss you. On friendship day, I wish to tell you that you are that one best friend of my life, a beautiful, patient soul, who tolerated my endless tantrums. I miss you so much. Always. Every day.

One day, in the future, I wish we both could go back to SJCE, our college and take a walk. And discuss wife, kids, in-laws, the future. :P This may or may not happen. We could make it happen though. If we did, I know things will still be the same, the walks in SJCE will not change for us.